The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior
Author and Translator: Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu (2000 CE–)
“A spirit of extreme magnitude and fortitude that spreads passionately and boldly.”
— Dr. Pu Yi-Nan, poet, author, scholar, former Professor at the Department of Chinese Literature of Tamkang University, and a current instructor at the Department of Chinese of Kaohsiung Normal University in Taiwan on the publications by Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu’s that he has read
“Her poetic works employ and arrange words with a traditional and elegant erudition as well as poise; many of them are immersed in a melancholic passion while voicing against unfairness.”
— Mr. Wu Zi-Yan, who holds a Master of Arts from the Department of Chinese Literature of Tamkang University and is a recurring winner of the Taipei Literary Prize, is a poet, author, and scholar, in addition to an educator, and whose biography has been included in The Continuation of the Taipei City Book of Records: The Culture officially maintained by the Taiwanese government
Book Summary
The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior’s main body collects the traditional Chinese poetry and their American English translations of Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu — a poet, author, scholar, translator, and organizer of activities on cultural-spiritual China — produced when she was between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two. Rivolia often refers to the collection of unfairness, injustice, anti-learning, atrocities, tyrannies, as well as unhealthy and illogical situations taking place in the present-day mainland China as the “mainland Chinese Vichy France,” out of her belief that the situation of Chen Zi-Ang under these forms of injustice has been highly similar to that of Joan of Arc’s in Vichy France. The mainland Chinese Vichy France as well as white supremacy, colonialism and its remnants, imperialism, and fascism, have been attempting to permanently erase Rivolia’s story. However, during her banishment, Rivolia’s Traditional Chinese poetic voice has cut through these two demonic complexes that have been equally evil. This voice has resembled a pearl-like tear on a blossom in addition to a sword soaring amid the heavens; it reflects the luminosities of Chen Zi-Ang’s martyrdom as well as cultural-spiritual China.
Initial Publication Information and Acknowledgement
[I have used these pen names: 上官昭雲 (Shangguan Zhaoyun)、尹昭雲、秋水先生、C.C.S. May the readers please also note that “Scarlet Tears on a Golden Branch” was the previous title of Scarlet Tears on an Elegiac Gem Zither.]
Some of my humble works included in The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior have already been initially and formally published in these platforms in America and Taiwan between 2019 to 2023 CE: the Los Angolos-based Poetry of China, the Light and the Blossom; the Tainan-based Chien-Kun Poetry Quarterly; The Cupola (Gettysburg College); The Mercury, and the New Taipei City-based The Vineyard Poetry Quarterly. My mindful gratitude to the managers of these platforms who have participated in these initial publications of these humble works.
[筆者曾用筆名:上官昭雲(Shangguan Zhaoyun)、尹昭雲、秋水先生、C.C.S。亦請各位讀者垂注:「金枝紅淚」是《錦瑟紅淚》曾用名。]
《儒俠抽思錄》中部分拙作,已在公元2019年至2023年之間,在美國與臺灣,這些平臺正式首發:洛杉磯《中華詩詞》、臺南《乾坤詩刊》、學問樓(格思書院)(美國英文:Cupola (Gettysburg College))、美國賓州《水星》、新北《葡萄園詩刊》;謹謝這些平臺各位管理員中,參與首發拙作者。
Chen, Xiao-Yu. “The Torment of Lady Daffodil” [水仙怨]. Page 65 in The Mercury. Gettysburg: Graphcom, 2023.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. “The Sword” [劍]. Page 65 in The Mercury. Gettysburg: Graphcom, 2023.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. “’Rhapsody of Agonizing Contemplations on an Autumn Night’ and “’The Torment of Lady Daffodil’(〈秋夕怨思賦〉與〈水仙怨〉)" (2022). Student Publications. 1040.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. “Traditional Chinese Poems,” “The White Blossom” and “Agony Unfurls,” as well as the finished Parts in The Martyrdom of Chen Zi-Ang, a Film Screenplay, and “Shadows of Phoenixes” in Scarlet Tears on a Golden Branch, a Novel (華夏傳統詩〈素華〉與〈抽怨〉、電影劇本《陳子昂殉道記》已成之部、小說《金枝紅淚》中〈凰影〉已成之部)" (2022). Student Publications. 1013.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Youju 幽居 (“Lonesome Hermitage in the Remote From the Holy Land") in Qiankun Shikan 乾坤詩刊 [Chien-Kun Poetry Quarterly]. Tainan: 2021.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Heng Dao 橫刀 (“I Draw My Saber, Tears Filling My Eyes —") in Qiankun Shikan 乾坤詩刊 (Chien-Kun Poetry Quarterly). Tainan: 2021.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Ji Songgong Yingjie 祭宋公英杰 [Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of Mr. Sung Ying-Jie] in Qiankun Shikan 乾坤詩刊 [Chien-Kun Poetry Quarterly]. Tainan: 2020.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Ji Xie Linka Liu Wen Yishi 記謝琳卡、劉文醫師 [Doctors Xie Linka and Liu Wen] in Qiankun Shikan 乾坤詩刊 [Chien-Kun Poetry Quarterly]. Tainan: 2020.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Youlan 幽蘭 [Soliloquy of Lady Orchid] in Zhonghua Shici 中華詩詞 [Poetry of China, the Light and the Blossom]. Los Angeles: 2019.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Guan Wutong Niangzi Manwu 觀吾佟娘子曼舞 [Celestial Dancer Spreading Petals From the Above] in Zhonghua Shici 中華詩詞 [Poetry of China, the Light and the Blossom]. Los Angeles: 2019.
Chen, Xiao-Yu. Xunjiao 殉教 [Martyrdom] in Putaoyuan Shikan 葡萄園詩刊 [The Vineyard Poetry Quarterly]. New Taipei City: 2017.
My mindful thankfulness to Dr. Pu Yi-Nan, who is a poet, author, scholar, and a former Professor at the Department of Chinese Literature of Tamkang University, and a current instructor at the Department of Chinese of Kaohsiung University in Taiwan; as well as Mr. Wu Zi-Yan, who holds a Master of Arts from the Department of Chinese Literature of Tamkang University, is a recurring winner of the Taipei Literary Prize, is a poet, author, and scholar, in addition to an educator, and whose biography has been included in The Continuation of the Taipei City Book of Records: The Culture officially maintained by the Taiwanese government, for their offering of brief positive reviews on my literary, intellectual, and erudite sophistications for my use in the professional and public realms. The main body of The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior collects thirty-one Traditional Chinese poems I composed when I was eighteen to twenty-two years old. My gratitude to Mr. Wu Zi-Yan and Dr. Chien Chin-Sung, a Professor Emeritus, a current research fellow, and a previous department chair at the Department of Chinese Literature of the Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan for their advising on some contents in this collection based on their professional identities and working skills. My humble thankfulness to these senior scholars and authors as well as this Writing Center employee at Gettysburg College for their assistance to the American English version of The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior: Professor Emeritus Dr. Leonard S. Goldberg, Dr. Nadine Sabra Meyer, Dr. Melissa K. Forbes, Dr. Kelly Whitcomb, Dr. Joanne Elizabeth Myers, and Alex Evan Bernstein.
Finally, as a Confucianist warrior, I bow to the Almighty Heaven for its blessing and protection of me; I bow in my gratitude to China, the Light, the Blossom, and the Hallowed Land, in addition to Chen Zi-Ang, a noble, fiery warrior and a martyr. From the perspective of interfaith, I reverently invite Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d’Arc) to pray for the entwined missions of Chen Zi-Ang and mine in the professional and the public realms.
謹謝臺灣淡江大學中國文學學系前任教師、高雄師範大學國文學系現任教師、詩人、文人、學者普公義南,及淡江大學中國文學系舉人(主流華文稱其為碩士)、臺北文學獎多次得主、臺灣教育部文藝創作獎得主、詩人、文人、學者、教師吳子彥先生,就筆者文采學問,惠賜供筆者在職業、公眾領域,使用之正面短評。《儒俠抽思錄》主體部分,收錄筆者從十八歲至二十二歲,所作三十一首傳統華文詩詞;謹謝吳子彥先生,及臺灣中山大學中國文學系退休教師、現任研究員、前系主任簡錦松先生,基於職業身分、工作技能,就其中部分內容,指教筆者。謹謝美國賓州格思書院(葛底斯堡學院)這些前輩學者文人,或格思書院寫作中心員工,對《儒俠抽思錄》美國英文版,惠賜協助:Professor Emeritus Dr. Leonard S. Goldberg、Dr. Nadine Sabra Meyer、Dr. Melissa K. Forbes、Dr. Kelly Whitcomb、Dr. Joanne Elizabeth Myers、Alex Evan Bernstein。
最後,筆者作為儒俠,拜謝皇天賜祐;拜謝神州華夏;拜謝陳子昂烈士。與此同時,筆者從綜合信仰角度,敬請貞德(法文:Jeanne d’Arc)為陳子昂與筆者,在職業與公眾領域之相連使命祈福。
May I please bow deeply as I dedicate The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior to Chen Zi-Ang (659–700 CE), a noble, fiery warrior and a great martyr of China.
Soliloquy of Lady Orchid
Celestial Dancer Spreading Petals From the Above
Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of Mr. Sung Ying-Jie
Doctors Xie Linka and Liu Wen
“I Draw My Saber, Tears Filling My Eyes — ”
Lonesome Hermitage in the Remote From the Holy Land
The White Blossom
Agony Unfurls
Rhapsody of Agonizing Contemplations on an Autumn Night
The Torment of Lady Daffodil
The Sword
The Autumn Grieves
Lyrics on My Route of Banishment
Agonies at a Graveyard
The Salon
Agony Through All Seasons: I
Agony Through All Seasons: II
Agony Through All Seasons: III
Agony Through All Seasons: IV
The Tormented Yearning
The Autumn Sorrow
Tears on Autumn Screen
Gem-Tower Lyrics: Chill
Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of My Father: I
Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of My Father: II
Soliloquy of Lady Lotus
The Spring Shattered
Elegy Before the Peace Pole at Gettysburg College
Appendix: Martyrdom
About Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu
Soliloquy of Lady Orchid
Immaculate moon through clouds
Illuminates this immortal summit,
Where sweet olive blossoms
Wither in this autumn jade garden —
Clad in a frosted white robe, I mourn
My imminent fate,
Alone on this pure night,
When the jewels I wear chill me
And the tears imprinting my face
Are turning to blood —
Traditional Chinese original published in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2021 CE
Celestial Dancer Spreading Petals From the Above
Amidst golden screens, as a deep-green jade zither plays,
Luminosity streams from this immortal dancer,
Pink-cheeked and white-robed. The music resembles
The murmuring of delicate phoenixes.
Her pearl dress sways with her spreading purple scarf
Radiating a celestial glow.
The fragrance enchants the spring moon above,
Her delicate hands spreading petals in this Hall of Buddha —
I pick her blossoms on which I write
My deep meditations on her art
And on her lasting devotion.
Traditional Chinese original published in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2021 CE
Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of Mr. Sung Ying-Jie
The moon descends to long, cold rivers in your native land
Where apricot woods are newly dipped with dews of dolor —
Your soul is a fragrance ascending to the azure sky
Your white jade bones buried in the realm of crimson dust —
The silent and lonesome night falls on the other world
The pure waters here turn green in an agonized spring,
I am a cockatoo singing an elegy
And in this prolonged separation weep blood for you!
Traditional Chinese original published in 2020 CE
English translation finalized in 2021 CE
Doctors Xie Linka and Liu Wen
The song of truth on this snowy night
Spreads across the heavens and fills
China the Holy Land and startles
The despots who can lock our cities
But never our lips; our chorus lives on
And flows with our eternal rivers!
Traditional Chinese original published in 2020 CE
English translation finalized in 2021 CE
“I Draw My Saber, Tears Filling My Eyes — ”
I draw my saber, tears filling my eyes —
I tell the profound Heaven that I will die
In prison and not surrender to them —
To these gangsters who in their obsession
Drain and drink people’s blood,
Who seize ever more despotic power,
And occupy the Holy Land! I wonder
When the dawn I call for will arrive.
Traditional Chinese original published in 2021 CE
English translation finalized in 2021 CE
Lonesome Hermitage in the Remote From the Holy Land
I gaze at the Holy Land that is too far from me; under fragrant branches
Outside my embroidered chamber, my profound agony unravels.
The azure Heaven is in cold clouds and mists; cherry blossoms are crimson
In my golden garden where this quiet night twists my lungs in sorrow —
As the wind of solitude fills my vision
I meditate on my poetry: I pause on these jade stairs
And shed tears in luminous moonbeams —
Traditional Chinese original published in 2021 CE
English translation finalized in 2021 CE
The White Blossom
Faint frosts dye the lonesome celestial palace
While chilly moonbeams shine on my white robe.
My pure songs sway with cosmic green mists
And my jade visage allures fragrant clouds from the Heavens.
A lone bloom, I uphold my spring beauty
Without longing for materials
Bound to the mundane in crimson dust.
My jewel-like meditations spread across emptiness
As I wonder who has ever heard my voice
As fervent as that of a phoenix.
Traditional Chinese original published in 2022 CE
English translation finalized in 2022 CE
Agony Unfurls
Silver lamplights that sometimes dim and sometimes glow
Shine on my traditional lines resembling shattered golds —
I am a lonesome warrior whose starry eyes weep
Tears resembling blood for my beliefs
And are turning to gems in my sacrifice.
My frost-nipped poetic pages open
Like flowery embroideries
As I chant and spread my elegies
In my banishment from the Holy Land.
I have been praying to spend my life and death
Singing for justice in the manner of phoenixes!
Alas, how brutal air prevails
On my native rivers that seem fine silks to me!
I, a Confucianist warrior dedicated to the cosmic Way,
Have not the slightest fear before all forms of tyrannies!
Variegated celestial beams fall upon my chivalrous devotions
During my ongoing, remote voyage away from the hallowed land.
I have been painstakingly
Reciting and imitating medieval musical lyrics —
In one deepening night, in my banishment and torments
I swallow my pain, muse over and chant my sorrowful verse
As my white blanket wraps my slender flesh quietly and tightly.
My soul resembles a sword while my flesh resembles soft weeping willows —
How many times it has been tortured by infirmity and illness
And has been drenched in chills and medical vapors!
Heaven recognizes that my sorrow has been intoxicating my heart
As I lost all sleep in my passionate gazing on the hallowed land.
My glass window was in solitude and quietude as tender blossoms
Shatter and embroidery-like saplings were frozen with empty verdancy.
All my organs have been twisted and torn as my agony unfurls
My rhythms of long lineage flown and spread as scattered crimson petals.
Every night, I, a young Confucianist warrior, devote myself to my classics
As my pure tears stream along with smokey moonbeams.
My voice has been as tragic and passionate as those of cockatoos and Lady Cai’s
And my agony has been grilling and ingraining my emaciated bones
While increasing my strains to rise from my sickbed.
Original composed and finalized in Traditional Chinese in 2020, using exactly the same meters, rhythms, and form as those of Liu Rushi’s (1618–1664) “Spring River Night in Blossoms and Moonbeams.” English translation composed in 2022.
抽怨 用柳如是<春江花月夜>瑤韻。
Rhapsody of Agonizing Contemplations on an Autumn Night
Composed under the persona of Chen Zi-Ang (659—700 CE) the martyr.
The moon, where the soul of a mythological beauty resides,
Hangs in loftiness and immaculate purity in the firmament
While the Milky Way is cleansed and extends to the remoteness.
My lone autumn garden is frozen with coolness
And my medical burner exhales thin yet bitter vapors.
I uphold my finesse amidst my quiet hermitage,
While my heart is infused with prolonged sorrows
As I recline on my sickbed, prostrated by my infirmities.
In shattered candlelight and recurring sleeplessness
I touch my Daoist prayer beads and descend into deep prayers.
In the past, I read classics and scriptures at the Golden Brilliance Monastery
Where my fierce, noble ambition — an involuntary obsession —
Has risen above the firmaments. I look down upon the green and chilly waters
As I recite and compose impassioned poetic lines, while sometimes
I gaze at the remote, eternal jade realm and narrate on my torments.
I wore my sword on my back and entered Luoyang, where I
Painstakingly and diligently immersed myself in books under my study window.
Without caring even if I am to be killed tens of thousands of times
I repeatedly express my disagreements in my yearning to defend the Way
And to bring peace upon countless people.
Despite my incorruption, determination, and loyalty, I was kept in stocks:
I, whose purity resembled that of a piece of white jade, was imprisoned
For well over a year, during which blood and tears streamed,
Their profound undercurrents have been piercing my heart every night.
I have returned to the mountains within a frosted forest
Where I explore the Book of Changes and calculations on it
While cleansing my psyche. Wrapping myself in a plain blanket
I observe the transformations of innumerable scenarios
And sense that my departure from this world is approaching.
How long could all fresh and alluring earthbound beauties ever last?
May I follow the honored dragons and cranes in ascending
To the hallowed immortal realm enveloped within immaculate clouds!
Traditional Chinese original published in 2022 CE
English translation finalized in 2022 CE
The Torment of Lady Daffodil
Within my melancholic meditations,
The half-scattered lotuses were pink and white
Amidst green princess bamboos;
Beneath swaying, thin clouds sunken in sorrow
Fragmented branches were twisted. —
I remember how, when thinking on my flesh’s upcoming separation
From hallowed China, my profuse, dense grieving
Flowed into tragic rivers, infusing my impassioned heart
From which I recite my traditional lines echoing medieval heritages.
It was several years after a gangster against people
Seized an enormous earthbound power and wealth complex
Combined with a position — keeping a tight grip into the present.
My words resembling pearls and jades were interconnected
By my sorrowful contemplations; after my banishment, from the remote
I gazed at the south of China, the Light, the Blossom, and the Magnitude
While upholding my beauty; my tender-voiced sobs were interwoven.
My fine face was paled by my fervent troubles
And I felt like an aloeswood incense on immolation;
My slender shadow was similar to a phoenix wounded at her wings.
Densing autumn small frosts have dyed my dark hair
While my embroidered dress quivered in night blows.
From indomitable soul that has been as cleansed and pure as rivers in the wilderness
I have been weeping blood while my flesh suffers from nose-bleeds:
My anguish has ensanguined all leaves in my vision —
Their glow has intersected with yellowish autumn branches.
Above the orchids hills, ghosts cried within luminous, flowing moonbeams
While my heart drenched in my torments knotted more agonies
And twined me in pains. Various flowers that once bloomed in splendor now wither
While my pure tears followed; the fading green leaves shriveled
As does my flesh webbed in illness.
Who has ever consoled me —
A young Confucianist warrior banished from China, the hallowed land,
Because of the current bloodthirsty gangster against people and his impact.
My beauty resembles spring apricots, and I have been weaving
My traumas into my chantings — the hues of my tears
Have imprinted and dyed the embroidered silks of my lapels.
Every year, my torment and physical infirmity intensify
As I pause myself in my prolonged, lonesome standing
And envy — in vain — birds soaring southwards
To their native lands.
Original Traditional Chinese composition began in 2021 CE, using exactly the same meters, rhythms, and form as those of Liu Rushi’s (1618–1664 CE) “Ballad of Lotus-Gathering.” Traditional Chinese original and English translation finalized in 2022 CE.
水仙怨 用柳如是〈採蓮曲〉瑤韻。
The Sword
I am a sword purer than frost, luminous
For gallantry, honorable duties, and enlightened learning.
With the spirit of a dragon, for the Holy Land I fight
In my splashing blood, now become jewels from sacrifice,
As I sing my battlesong in the voice of a phoenix, transcending
My life into a dance, echoing, with shooting stars, the eternal.
I am a spreading celestial glow of learning and courage
Cutting through and dismantling the phalanxes
That serve the gangsters who brutalize and are against the people —
A magnitude as wide and lofty as the heavens,
An imprint in the profundity of the ages;
My chivalrous soul is a sharpening blade
Praying to spend all my reincarnations as a warrior,
Roaming for such ideals: the victory of cultural-spiritual China
And such impassioned battles!
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2021 CE
English translation initially published in April 2023 CE
Her immaculate wrists spread her sleeves resembling golden phoenixes
As luminosities dance with verdancy and delicate, flourishing petals.
Peach blossoms and thin willows smile with tenderness
Their jade-like faces turn upwards as they welcome such a Beauty;
She descends from the Heaven and covers every distant mountain.
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2018 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
The Autumn Grieves
Chill —
Within this perfumed palace
Weeping hues are shattered
On my beauteous visage.
The golden incense burner is shadowed
As my flesh is exhausted and my heart is tormented
On this lonesome, quiet, and deepening night.
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2018 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Lyrics on My Route of Banishment
Lonesome and quiet is my route of banishment
Now extending into this deserted village
As the autumn deepens and the crimson sun
Descends into a twilight.
The frosts chill my bones webbed in my illness
While grass withers and immerses in sorrowful dews.
Traditional Chinese original composed in 2018 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Agonies at a Graveyard
Where all graves are darkening and grass is densing
Cool moonbeams are frozen amidst deep-green maples.
Amid my illness, my head is dyed silver — I agonize
As worms feed on the skeletons in their coffins.
Traditional Chinese original composed in 2018 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
The Salon
The white, immaculate moon quietly and lonesomely
Sheds its luminosity over this extensive, snow-nipped river
While the embroidered silk curtains shimmer on our phoenix-boat.
With a smile, you immolate a sapphire fire within a golden burner
From where thin mist rises, giving birth to a nectarous aroma.
The mountains are immersed in their hermitage
While the waters are spreading into profundity;
From cool heavens, breezes gently surpass my green robe
Resembling clouds. Before a drooping purple jade ornament
We discuss such poetry as rhapsodies; those elegant rhymes
And perfumed smokes surround this sweet olive chamber.
Traditional Chinese original composed from 2018 to 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Agony Through All Seasons: I
Peach blossoms wither
My infirm flesh emaciated
At twilight, fragrance fades
With hues of spring —
On this painted balcony
I pause myself and weep profusely
Tears turning into blood —
My agony fills this golden tower
In my separation from the Holy Land
As I become drenched in such a breezing chill!
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Agony Through All Seasons: II
Chilly are the white heavens
Chilly are the green waters —
I yearn for the Holy Land
As my vision is filled with sorrow
During my voyage in blossoms
Drenched in shattered morning dews —
Crimson are the lotuses
Crimson are my tears’ imprints,
I am an invalid whose torment
Floats with my sweet olive boat,
Twisting all my organs amid
My separation from the Holy Land!
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Agony Through All Seasons: III
Cold is my golden mansion
Cold is my phoenix couch —
In my bittersweet waiting, the incense
Resembling my tormented heart burns,
Greenish smokes arise
From my gemmed burner —
Condensing is the aromatic mist
Densing is my agonized yearning
For the Holy Land that is invisible to me —
My emaciated flesh drenches in illness
My crimson tears shed in troops
In another of my insomnias
Deepening in the night!
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Agony Through All Seasons: IV
Chilled are these darkening woods
Chilled is my flesh tortured by illness —
As I wander on fringes, sorrowful breezes
Shatter the snows; in the deep clouds
The night is fading away —
My tears shed in troops
And are turning to blood,
My agony is lasting
Until the fall of the Heaven
And the end of the earth,
Twisting and scattering all my organs
Amid my separation from the Holy Land!
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
The Tormented Yearning
My embroidered fine silk blanket
Wraps my illness-tormented body:
I am drenched in my solitude and emaciation
While my pure tears wet my handkerchief.
My medical burner exhales thin vapors
As this sweet olive-colored noble house darkens:
Rain chills my banishment as mists
Lock up my shattered spring.
My delicate handkerchief as well as
My aromatic lapels are frozen
With my traces of blood.
On this quiet night, I yearn for
Holy China; my soul bore a deep wound
From my separation. From the firmaments
Breezes cool the silver droplets
Ornamenting my sickbed:
My darkening melancholies rise
And incarcerate me forever.
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
The Autumn Sorrow
From my pearl curtains overlapping
With this tranquil night, in sorrow,
I hear wild geese cry —
My solitude darkens and deepens;
In my high tower where fragrant
Orchids are white-dew-dipped,
Moonbeams glow.
My candle has expired,
The greenish smoke that once rose
From it has drifted away;
From my soul, its torture intensifying,
My tears and blood flow —
I yearn for China the Holy Land
Which remains invisible to me
As this autumn and the emptiness
Filling my window separate us!
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2019 CE
English translation finalized in 2022 CE
Tears on Autumn Screen
I read Mr. Wu Zi-Yan’s erudite posts with reverence, alone on an autumn night. I yearn for his professional guidance in my Confucianist passion. His wisdom has been such a consolation; I bow to him in my gratitude and humbleness, while my lamentation is recorded in my line on my longing in vain for this celestial chamber of Chinese cultural-spiritual erudition. My passion untwines, my tears drip, and my desk turns wet.
Your jade voice ascends to the Above in the white clouds
As I gaze at your words in illness, solitude, and separation
From the Holy Land; my tears drip on the autumn screen
As I long in vain for a celestial chamber of Chinese erudition —
Traditional Chinese original composed in 2019 CE, at Gettysburg College
English translation slightly revised in 2022 CE, at Gettysburg College
Gem-Tower Lyrics: Chill
Medical bitterness
Lonesome shadow
Dark light fades
Pure tears scatter
My banishment is extensive
My agonizing yearning spreads
Moonbeams dye my world white
Heaven witnesses my chivalry intensifying
My passionate torment emaciates my flesh
As I compose this lyric in blood
Traditional Chinese original composed in 2020 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of My Father: I
Chilly mists and thin rain
Drench my seclusion from the earthbound world,
While a cockatoo’s chant of lament
Deepens this agonizing night.
My small, crimson, blossom-like poetic papers
Are frozen with my blood
That I weep from my heart’s torments,
As I am clad in my white mourning robe
And reminisce on your fragrant soul.
Traditional Chinese originals finalized in December 20, 2020 CE
English translations finalized in 2023 CE
Elegy in Veneration of the Soul of My Father: II
The pure frosts have fallen into a lonesome quietude
Within this jade garden where autumn deepens
And my elegiac zither chills.
As I play these laments, my sorrowful yearning
Entwines me — in my banishment, in vain
My profuse tears are turning to blood.
Traditional Chinese originals finalized in December 20, 2020 CE
English translations finalized in 2023 CE
The frosted firmaments and luminous moonbeams
Reflect the purification of my autumn skin
As lonesome and quiet gnostic energies
Breeze through my jade robe.
A fragrance is born amid the jewels adorning my flesh
While my shattered dreams are cooling —
I am unable to return to my native rivers resembling fine silks
This separation drenches my beauteous soul in a prolonged agony.
My pure visage is frozen in my solitude
While my grief ruptures my organs,
My bones webbed in my illness are falling apart
As my darkening, intensifying sufferings rise.
Every night, my torments unfurl, as my tears
Transcend into gem-like blood within my sacrifice;
Every dawn, I pause my vision on the remote hallowed China
And let my melancholies lock me in a deepening captivity.
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2021 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
Soliloquy of Lady Lotus
Within my lonesome and quiet banishment and hermitage
I am clad in a white mourning robe as I rise from my sickbed —
I gaze at China the hallowed land that is distant from me
As my torments unfold: I sing my memories and meditations
While the frosted heavens and the luminous moon
Shed their radiance upon my slender shadow
Amidst chilling autumn waters and trees resembling jades.
My fragrant tears tremble, fall profusely, and turn crimson
While they are transforming to blood upon my tender heart
And are imprinting my lapels with a natural purpleness.
My hair braid resembling a soaring cloud
Upholds two golden phoenixes despite my solitude;
The jewels I wear as well as my silk dress sway in a ghostly energy.
Holding a sweet olive branch within my hand, I chant from my heart
From my cultural-spiritual Chinese heritage and my agonies of banishment:
As my voice for China the Holy Land extends to the Above,
Thin white hairs stand on end on my flesh out of my sorrow and illness.
Incenses immolate quietly and impassionedly within my gemmed palace
As I weep blood and spread tear-turned rhythms from my noble soul.
I contemplate how, in these years, I have been weaving my agonies
Into songs such as the one I am now singing, and how my pains
Have been flowing into extensive, grand rivers swaying in cool, deep greenness.
I, remember, too, how I have witnessed the tender smiles and the aromatic splendor
Of blossoms within breezes and dews — all of them now scatter along with branches.
How fragile are these sceneries resembling crystals, and in how much hardship
I strive to flourish with my cultural-spiritual Chinese psyche and beauty!
Alone, independent, I stand on this pure night within my boundless torture.
My medical burner’s vapor surrounds my embroidered jade green bed.
Where do I envision my snow-hued flesh and my delicate bones to be interred?
Beneath pale cypresses, within an archaic graveyard in withered grass.
Traditional Chinese original composed in 2021 CE, using exactly the same meters, rhythms, and form as those of Liu Rushi’s (1618–1664 CE) “Lyrics on the Festival of Purity and Luminosity.” English translation finalized in 2022 CE.
蓮 用柳如是<清明行>瑤韻。
The Spring Shattered
My tears resembling pearls are falling troops
Crimson petals of fragrance once in full bloom —
The saplings’s greenness is now emaciating
So is my flesh long-tormented by illness —
All my organs have been rupturing
From my agony in my separation from the Holy Land —
As I gaze at it from its distance in this pure night
How watery are these moonbeams in the deep
Of the clouds and mists between us—
Traditional Chinese original finalized in 2021 CE
English translation finalized in 2023 CE
殘春 孤雁出群格。
Elegy Before the Peace Pole at Gettysburg College
In my prostration, I pray for the Almighty Heaven’s blessings upon the luminous soul of Emily Rachel Silverstein.
Spring breezes untwine and descend upon
This cool night that shines in a tragic passion:
Smokey petals soar around this jade-like pole
Where a perfumed name is inscribed in deep-green ink
While pure moonbeams reminisce on her fragrant soul
As well as her noble, ambitious determination —
Birds chant their lament for her grace resembling crimson blossoms
While weeping blood and tears that are frosting all branches
In mourning of their prolonged separation from a young beauty
And the eternal memorial of her peaceful purity.
In my banishment from hallowed China, I weave my agony for her
With traditional poetic rhythms, as I gather these grievings
And witness how they spread and fill the entire crystalline garden.
Traditional Chinese original composed in 2022 CE
English translation finalized in 2022 CE
伏祈皇天,祐Emily Rachel Silverstein之明靈。
Appendix: Martyrdom (Finalized in February 2017)
Within this night of prolonged darkness
Immaculation is only found in graveyards —
I carry a wine chalice
While following the scent of blood
In my search for your dead body,
You are the young martyr for whom
I desire with thirst through all days and nights.
Here you recline — your lips are so nectarous
As your still-fresh blood is flowing
Into a resplendent beauty resembling wild berries —
In reticence, I insert my finger into your heart!
A wave of delusions combined with ecstasics
Is penetrating my bosom —
I take out my chalice and imbibe
Your scarlet blood in secrecy.
My amorous prayers for my devotion-death!
You have turned your life into a spiritual sacrifice
I now turn my life into a romantic immolation.
I mix poisonous drips with your blood still-fresh
And I lick all of them clean.
I transform into a blossom-red, delicate serpent
Twisting your dreams and yearnings
In your every reincarnation.
About Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu
Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu (March 19, 2000–) is a Chinese poet, author, scholar, translator, and organizer of activities on cultural-spiritual China. She currently serves as a council member of the Taiwan-based Archaic Poetic Association. Using interdisciplinary methods, she studies, analyzes, and follows Chen Zi-Ang, a medieval Chinese poet, author, scholar, twice-prisoner, and martyr, while conducting her research, analysis, composition, and English translation focused on cultural-spiritual China (such as the contributions of Huang Zongxi, a Confucianist warrior). From roughly the age of eleven, she has actively participated in the social-historical power of the re-understanding, in-depth appreciation, and profound manifestations of cultural-spiritual China. There are two significant reasons why she has banished herself from mainland China. First, the situation of Chen Zi-Ang under the present-day (2023) “mainland Chinese Vichy France” is highly similar to that of Joan of Arc’s in Vichy France. Second, a significant dimension of her current life mission to benefit others is, as a poet, author, scholar, translator, and organizer of activities on cultural-spiritual China, to establish a world under the Heaven in which nobody sees China as a barbaric enemy state. Since her professional identities do not include being a political leader or a political commentator, et cetera, in the professional and the public sphere, she does not have a very strong political nature; however, there have been countless correlations between her mission and politics. To carry out her current life mission benefiting others, she must respond to these countless correlations between politics and her mission.
Besides being the translator, editor, and commentator of Like a Blossom, a Sword, and a Meteor: The Impassioned Battles, Incarcerations, and Martyrdom of Chen Zi-Ang (Chisinau: Eliva Press, 2023), as well as the original author, translator, and editor of The Banishment of a Confucianist Warrior (self-published; Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, 2023), since her adolescence, she has published her poetry, prose, and translations in these venues in America and Taiwan: Poetry of China, The Light and the Blossom, Chien-Kun Poetry Quarterly, The Vineyard Poetry Quarterly, the Abington Friends School-based The Whole Tree, The Mercury, Ezra: An Online Journal of Translation, The Gettysburgian, and The Cupola (Gettysburg College). She has organized activities on cultural-spiritual China for an extensive period of time, including the research, the analysis, and the maximal reconstruction of Chen Zi-Ang’s physical appearance from the perspective of American psychology, the creation of portraits of Chen Zi-Ang based on such research, analysis, and maximal reconstruction, as well as the fundraising for these portraits. She currently (2023 CE) authors and translates Fervent Tears and Gem-Like Blood: Chen Zi-Ang’s Chinese Route of Martyrdom — this book’s American English version is to be published by the Moldova-based Eliva Press — in addition to Scarlet Tears on an Elegiac Gem Zither, a historical novel set in medieval China. As for languages, she is most familiar with Traditional Chinese with numerous respectful and modest dictions. Website of Rivolia Chen Xiao-Yu the Confucianist Warrior:
除卻編譯評論《如花如劍如流星:陳子昂之奮戰、被囚與殉道》(奇西瑙:愛麗娃書局,2023)、原創並編譯《儒俠抽思錄》(自行出版;亞馬遜自行出版,2023),自青春期起,又有詩文譯作,在美國與臺灣這些平臺發表:《中華詩詞》、《乾坤詩刊》、《葡萄園詩刊》、安彬書院(Abington Friends School)《全樹》(The Whole Tree)、《水星》(The Mercury)、《靄嵐線上譯刊》(Ezra: An Online Journal of Translation)、《格思人報》(The Gettysburgian)、學問樓(格思書院)(Cupola (Gettysburg College))。長期組織華夏文化與精神活動,如從美國心理學角度,研析並最大限度重構陳子昂形貌、基於這般研析與最大限度重構,為陳子昂畫像、為這些畫像籌款。目前(2023年)正自撰自譯《熱淚與碧血:陳子昂華夏殉道之路》——此書美國英文版,將由摩爾多瓦愛麗娃書局出版——,與中世華夏(又稱中古中國等等)歷史小說《錦瑟紅淚》。在語言方面,最適應者,乃多用謙語敬辭之傳統華文。儒俠陳瀟玉網。